The concept is simple; give home sellers a gift they will keep forever and therefore send you more referrals in the future. For each tour that Tours D’ Force create for you, I will program, burn and mail a CD sales presentation thank you gift directly to the home seller as a gift on your behalf. When placed into any CD or DVD ROM drive the presentation will begin. Your photo, contact information, a thank you message and a link to the virtual tour are displayed and at no extra cost to you.
Are you actively spreading seeds around your community? Seeds are anything that have a long shelf life and have a chance to sprout you up some new business down the road. In our line of work, seeds could be your active online craigslist ads that have links back to your website, your flyers, a glossy handout, a postcard and finally my personal favorite, the Tour Disc.
Tours D' Force marketing tools makes it easy for your clients to tell others about you. Let us create a complete marketing program for your sellers and they will certainly spread the word about your unique programs. The seller’s friends, neighbors, and family will have the right impression about your professionalism and use of cutting edge marketing and technology.
Hal Holubik
Southern Michigan Real Estate
Lenawee County Virtual Tour Company
Order your virtual tour Today!
P: 517.486.4209
Lenawee County Virtual Tours are here!! More people choose virtual tour company than any other virtual tour provider on the market. We encourage you to research the 360 virtual tour industry before making a decision. We are by far the most established virtual tour company in the industry. Our virtual tour customers and their clients get only the best and most experienced advice and help from our staff. Thank you and enjoy our virtual tours.
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