We are very excited to have released our standalone version of our HD slideshow in August. That's right; you can now purchase our Standalone Slideshow Module with up to 60 Scenes. .
We are thrilled with this new technology and our clients love it as well.

We are thrilled with this new technology and our clients love it as well.
We have had an incredible response to the Slideshow Module. Customers and dealers alike love the look, the features, the transitions, etc. The new standalone slide show offers a whole new world of photography options. With primarily still photography in the slideshow we need to grab the attention of the viewer so it’s time to get creative.
No longer are we bound to just capturing the views and amenities that a property has to offer. Now it is time to capture the heart of the viewer with photography that entices, intrigues, and touches the senses with art and appeal.
So how does the standalone slideshow differ from the slideshow? Well first off, every time you create an interactive Virtual Tour, we also create an HD Slideshow for that same property address. We use the same images as your HD virtual tour and have the ability to select up to 30 additional HD images not already in your virtual tour.
With our Standalone HD Slideshow Module you can create UNLIMITED slideshows. Soon enough these slideshows will go to Realtor.com and get a weekly hit report JUST LIKE OUR TOURS!
Toursdforce now offer a technologically elegant and slick presentation with 20 still photographs which I professionally shoot for $69.00.
We also offer a self-service for $29! Send us up to 20 of your best high resolution still photos, not less than 700kb per file, and we'll create an HD V-Slide for you.
And, here’s yet another way you can take advantage of our Stand-Alone Slide-Show Module. Prefer to do your own virtual tours? Now any agent or broker in Lenawee or Monroe can now purchase our Stand-Alone Slide-Show Module and create UNLIMITED slideshows / annually on your own.
Enjoy the new technology and please feel free to contact us with any question that you have.
Hal Holubik
Tours D’ Force
Order a Virtual Tour: 517-486-4209
Virtual Tours are here!! More people choose www.realtourvision.com virtual tour company than any other virtual tour provider on the market. We encourage you to research the 360 virtual tour industry before making a decision. We are by far the most established virtual tour company in the industry. Our virtual tour customers and their clients get only the best and most experienced advice and help from our staff. Thank you and enjoy our virtual tours.
Powered by http://www.ToursDForce.com. Your Southern Michigan Property Marketing Experts!
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