Tours D’ Force has upgraded all of your existing virtual tours with are new Flash Based High Definition (HD) Slide Show Player as a FREE add on to any existing Hosted Interactive Virtual Tour. Check it out, click on the slideshow button on anyone of your virtual tours. So, what do you think? Give me your feedback. Your comments are greatly appreciated.
View Sample HD Slide Shows now!
Remember the first RTV slide show 1.0 from five years ago. It did the job, but the time for a complete overhaul of the player was imminent. The new technology allows for a much easier expansion and adoption of enhancements and is quite elegant looking in appearance.
Have a listing and you don’t think it warrants a virtual tour but yet you would like to show it at its best? Soon to come, a Stand-Alone HD Slide Show Module which will allowing Tours D’ Force the ability to create slide shows independently of our V-Tours for a small fee much less than that our standard virtual tour.
Next month I will be addressing TDF Slideshow pricing, terms and describe to you in full the difference between our TDF HD Slideshow and the new Standalone TDF Slideshow module which allows you to have slideshows with unlimited scenes. Well, almost unlimited, up to 60 scenes, WOW!! What a great opportunity for you.
Hal Holubik
Tours D’ Force
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