Part II of a IV part series
Think Big and Play BIGGER!

Blissfield, MI, February 17, 2011 – Hal Holubik, owner of Tours D’ Force, a Southern Michigan Virtual Tour provider says; “What good is getting a virtual tour from anyone if it is not seen by the largest audience possible? The bottom line with real estate as with many other kinds of sales, it’s a numbers game, the more people that see it the higher the ability of it being sold quickly.” Business Professionals in every field are in need of more exposure and a better way to capture and maintain the interest of online shoppers especially on the web; they must be aware and possess the flexibility to market their virtual tours in many places.
In part I of this IV part series (see part I here: the first thing we talked about was analyzing the market. How as a realtor, you have to realize that the market is evolving and changing. How the marketing techniques that you used last year, the ones that you used five years ago, ten years ago they are different than the ones that you will have to utilize for your marketing approach today.
The second think that we talked about was covering the market. How you spread out your dollars, your marketing dollars, to reach the maximum number of prospects?
We then spend some time talking about that framework its self. How the digital marketing is a multi faceted marketing approach.
We concluded by talking about print media, YES, I said print media. How here are still folks out there that read things in print, and how you better use it as part of your digital marketing approach.
Now let’s talk about your actual digital marketing efforts.

What you’re seeing in front of you is a virtual tour window. It is very important that whatever virtual tour solution you choose has all the attributes that we’re talking about in this window. First of all, you should look at this as a single property website. Everything that you could want to know about this property should be available in this snap shoot, if it not, you’re barking up the wrong tree and you need to look at another type of virtual tour. But this is a typical virtual tour and some of the attributes that you need to be looking for.
First of all, upon top, it should talk about who you are, how to contact you, all of the information right up top so that way, any prospect comes across this virtual tour has an opportunity to give you a phone call. So you’ll notice at the top it not only says who this realtor is, it has their logo, but even has buttons so they can easily click on one button and send an e-mail message, easily clicked to go to the website or to view the tour gallery and see other properties that the realtor has to offer. Really important thou that right top up you have this information available. Now I know that some of you are saying to yourselves, now wait a second Hal, my MLS burial says that I can’t show that information. My MLS burial says that I can’t do any branding on my virtual tours. But that ok because virtual tour companies like this one have branded and non-branded versions. You want to have the branded one out there on your website and places like where you’re allowed to have branded, and then you can have an unbranded version for your local MLS burial. But anyway, so we’re talking about the branded version here but rest assured you can have both from the same source. Now let’s talk about the little box, the MLS summary on the right hand side. That tells the prospect everything in a nut shell that they may want to know about that property. They can do a deeper dive but the button line is how much does it cost, how many sq. ft., how many bedrooms, what’s the school district, summed up, that information is right there for them to see, perfectly right in front of them. You’ll want to make sure that the photography that the first picture there and all the ones behind are good, crisp, clear, and really show off the house and that’s what we’re trying to do. So the photography needs to be spot on as well, there’s actually a button in this virtual tour that allows you to have full screen and fill up your entire screen with seeing the rooms as walking through that house. Now, one of the things that realtors have said to me over the years, they said, Hal, my customer wants to participate. We’ll one of the things that you can do as a realtor to help your customers to participate is by utilizing the buttons at the bottom of this virtual tour. What those are is there single click social networking buttons.
So if your client has a Facebook account, a MySpace account, a linkedIn account, a Twitter account, etc., they can upload this virtual tour to their own personal account. So, think about this for a second, you the realtor may have a hundred friends that are on your Facebook account, so you can click on the Facebook button and go ahead and upload that onto your Facebook profile page. But your customer may have another hundred people that they know, and maybe their kid has another two hundred people, so, bottom line is don’t be afraid of involving your customers, draw attention to the bottom line buttons in the virtual tour so that way you can get the word out there. Put it in the different social networking sites, let this thing really take off and be seen by a lot of people. Bottom line with real estate as with many other kinds of sales, it’s a numbers game, the more people that see it the higher the ability of it being sold quickly. Having a high quality virtual tour helps once again establish you, the realtor as being tech savvy as well as now involving your client in the process as much as they want to be involved.
Think Big and Play BIGGER!
Blissfield, MI, February 17, 2011 – Hal Holubik, owner of Tours D’ Force, a Southern Michigan Virtual Tour provider says; “What good is getting a virtual tour from anyone if it is not seen by the largest audience possible? The bottom line with real estate as with many other kinds of sales, it’s a numbers game, the more people that see it the higher the ability of it being sold quickly.” Business Professionals in every field are in need of more exposure and a better way to capture and maintain the interest of online shoppers especially on the web; they must be aware and possess the flexibility to market their virtual tours in many places.
In part I of this IV part series (see part I here: the first thing we talked about was analyzing the market. How as a realtor, you have to realize that the market is evolving and changing. How the marketing techniques that you used last year, the ones that you used five years ago, ten years ago they are different than the ones that you will have to utilize for your marketing approach today.
The second think that we talked about was covering the market. How you spread out your dollars, your marketing dollars, to reach the maximum number of prospects?
We then spend some time talking about that framework its self. How the digital marketing is a multi faceted marketing approach.
We concluded by talking about print media, YES, I said print media. How here are still folks out there that read things in print, and how you better use it as part of your digital marketing approach.
Now let’s talk about your actual digital marketing efforts.
What you’re seeing in front of you is a virtual tour window. It is very important that whatever virtual tour solution you choose has all the attributes that we’re talking about in this window. First of all, you should look at this as a single property website. Everything that you could want to know about this property should be available in this snap shoot, if it not, you’re barking up the wrong tree and you need to look at another type of virtual tour. But this is a typical virtual tour and some of the attributes that you need to be looking for.
First of all, upon top, it should talk about who you are, how to contact you, all of the information right up top so that way, any prospect comes across this virtual tour has an opportunity to give you a phone call. So you’ll notice at the top it not only says who this realtor is, it has their logo, but even has buttons so they can easily click on one button and send an e-mail message, easily clicked to go to the website or to view the tour gallery and see other properties that the realtor has to offer. Really important thou that right top up you have this information available. Now I know that some of you are saying to yourselves, now wait a second Hal, my MLS burial says that I can’t show that information. My MLS burial says that I can’t do any branding on my virtual tours. But that ok because virtual tour companies like this one have branded and non-branded versions. You want to have the branded one out there on your website and places like where you’re allowed to have branded, and then you can have an unbranded version for your local MLS burial. But anyway, so we’re talking about the branded version here but rest assured you can have both from the same source. Now let’s talk about the little box, the MLS summary on the right hand side. That tells the prospect everything in a nut shell that they may want to know about that property. They can do a deeper dive but the button line is how much does it cost, how many sq. ft., how many bedrooms, what’s the school district, summed up, that information is right there for them to see, perfectly right in front of them. You’ll want to make sure that the photography that the first picture there and all the ones behind are good, crisp, clear, and really show off the house and that’s what we’re trying to do. So the photography needs to be spot on as well, there’s actually a button in this virtual tour that allows you to have full screen and fill up your entire screen with seeing the rooms as walking through that house. Now, one of the things that realtors have said to me over the years, they said, Hal, my customer wants to participate. We’ll one of the things that you can do as a realtor to help your customers to participate is by utilizing the buttons at the bottom of this virtual tour. What those are is there single click social networking buttons.
So if your client has a Facebook account, a MySpace account, a linkedIn account, a Twitter account, etc., they can upload this virtual tour to their own personal account. So, think about this for a second, you the realtor may have a hundred friends that are on your Facebook account, so you can click on the Facebook button and go ahead and upload that onto your Facebook profile page. But your customer may have another hundred people that they know, and maybe their kid has another two hundred people, so, bottom line is don’t be afraid of involving your customers, draw attention to the bottom line buttons in the virtual tour so that way you can get the word out there. Put it in the different social networking sites, let this thing really take off and be seen by a lot of people. Bottom line with real estate as with many other kinds of sales, it’s a numbers game, the more people that see it the higher the ability of it being sold quickly. Having a high quality virtual tour helps once again establish you, the realtor as being tech savvy as well as now involving your client in the process as much as they want to be involved.
This is another type of virtual tour. This is a High Definition V-Slide. Same property, same high quality photos just another mechanism for getting the word out there. But hey, take a look at the bottom; you also have on the bottom those social networking buttons. So if you’re not seeing those from your virtual tour provider today you’re missing a huge opportunity of being able to go ahead and further market the property. Make sure folks that your virtual tours have those social networking buttons. In this particular case, this virtual tour has pull downs, once again has all the information about the realtor, the information about the property, as well as being able to map and being able to download brochures and so forth, so a burst of technology gets the word out there.
Stay tuned for part III of this IV part blog series.
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Building a Bigger Tomorrow!
Pump Up Your Digital Marketing Part I
Hal Holubik
Tours D’ Force
Order a Virtual Tour: 517-486-4209
Virtual Tours are here!! More people choose tour company than any other virtual tour provider on the market. We encourage you to research the 360 virtual tour industry before making a decision. We are by far the most established virtual tour company in the industry. Our virtual tour customers and their clients get only the best and most experienced advice and help from our staff. Thank you and enjoy our virtual tours.
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