Thing Big and Play BIGGER!
The first thing I would like to talk about is analyzing the market. So as a realtor and a business person, you have to realize that the market is evolving and changing. The marketing techniques that you used last year, the ones that you used five years ago, ten years ago they are different from the ones that you will have to utilize today.
Today market is composed of three very different generations, the Old school, new school, and the X and Y generation. You have old school people that are out there that are going to be looking at newspapers, the real estate book and things like that, and the new school and X and Y generation. Now, old school and new school represents your second home buyers. Here in Lenawee County we have a lot of folks that live here part-time, they have their full time residence in Toledo, Wauseon, Ann Arbor, where ever Sylvania, but they choose to have their second homes here at one of our many inland lakes, so it’s a hot spot for our clients, that old school / new school the second home buyer. X and Y generation, we have a lot of first time people moving into Lenawee County to get away from the metro areas and the hectic life. X and Y generation represents those first time buyers, not to mention those first time and second time buyer within our communities, so we want to be able to touch all three.
How do they learn, how do they market, and how do they buy. Most of the buyers use newspapers; you want to have ads in newspaper, you want to have ads in real estate book, and I’m not telling you to stop, but what I will tell you in a few minutes are how to use those ads more effectively.
New School buyers, they will use the internet. I don’t know about you but I know if I’m interested in buying a new widget, the first place I go is out to Google, and I Google widgets just to see what’s out there. Now I may not always buy off the internet but it’s always the first place I go. So new school buyers absolutely are going to use the internet. Old school buyers, newspaper ads, new school they use the internet, the X and Y buyers, they are the immediate generation. I want to see it NOW, I don’t want to wait for Pepsi commercials, I just want my information NOW, right NOW, and that’s were mobile websites QR Codes, and SMS technology comes in. So, absolutely an area that you want to make sure that you reach out and touch.
OK, Successful marketing, successful agents and successful business people have a successful marketing plan they will appear and appeal to all three types of buyers. Connect your buyers with your listings and your business that’s the bottom line.
So how do we do that? How do we connect? Well here’s how we connect, first of all let’s talk about what is digital marketing? Digital marketing is the usage of various technologies to capture additional market exposure. Digital marketing is digital photos; digital marketing is the internet, web site presents, virtual tours, QR codes and SMS technology through smart phones. All of that is considered a part of digital marketing. Why is it important to you the realtor and business person? Very simple, it helps establish your professionalism; it differentiates yourself from the pack and show that you are technology savvy.
Let’s talk about Newspaper. Newspaper ads are something that have been out there for years. The local real estate company has been out there for years. But here’s, I’d almost call this my pet peeve was, so as a realtor, first of all, just about everyone takes pictures of the front of the home that they’re going to market, that’s a requirement that they have it in all of your newspaper ads. If you don’t hire a professional, that’s Ok, but pay attention to the time of day that you’re taking those photographs. Don’t have this, you know, big sun blob in the middle of your photograph or don’t take it when all you see is this really dark image.
Now spend a little forethought in when can you take good pictures of that home that you’re marketing and go ahead and take those pictures then rather than having ugly boring pictures on your web site or in your newspaper marketing ad, or, hire a professional to do it. Show your web address, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen real estate ads that don’t have the realty company address. So, tie it in, make sure your web address appears in your newspaper ads. If you have a mobile web site address, put that in there as well. Or even change it up, some weeks run your regular web address other weeks run mobile address, but the bottom line is show that internet presents. E-mail, e-mail address for you the realtor, should be in all print advertising. That, often times is the primary way for people to communicate with you, so make sure that you have your e-mail address in there. If you have a virtual tour, or better still if you have virtual tours on ALL of your property listings, SAY IT! Come to my website and see the virtual tour of this property, or come to my website and see a virtual tour of ALL of my properties. Emphasize that in your newspaper ads, tie it in. And by the way if you have Text Connect, if you have texting services on your properties make sure that you put that in your print ads was well, say Text .bla..bla…bla @43766 to see up-to-the-minute property updates. And that’s one thing that people are always looking for, is that there up-to-the-minute property updates, so make sure you are putting those things in your newspaper ads.
Stay tuned for part II of this IV part blog series.
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Hal Holubik
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