Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Mobile View

Toursdforce, March 1st, 2011. Tours D’ Force, your Southern Michigan promotional media company, brings mobility to The Blissfield Connector.  Empowering Toursdforce NEW 2011 Explosive Exposure allows the Blissfield Business Channel to be adapted to the mobile marketing market.  Yes, The Blissfield Connector is now fully compatible with iPhones, iPads, and any other web-based SmartPhone for a mobile experience!  And we didn’t stop there Toursdforce is even tossing in a Quick Response (QR) code and a QR sticker so the Blissfield Businesses can easily share their tour and details with their mobile customers and prospects.

Hal Holubik of Toursdforce states; “Today’s customers and prospects are becoming more mobile and depending on their smart phone devices more and more as a source of information.  So utilizing a QR Code in your marketing materials will give you the upper hand to reach out to your mobile customers and prospects in a new and efficient way!”

What are QR Codes?
A QR Codes is a two dimensional bar code that can be printed on any marketing materials to link printed materials to mobile and Internet marketing efforts.  The Blissfield Connector QR Code below has been programmed to The Blissfield Business Channel /virtual tour but could be programmed to communicate several types of information.   After the receiver scans the QR Code with their smart phone, the bar code will automatically prompt the user’s phone to launch the virtual business tour.  Once the tour is loaded the viewer will simply click on the “iPad / SmartPhone” button at the top of the tour viewing window to view the business video that will fit perfectly on their Smart Phone.

A QR code can also be programmed to launch a website (note: the web site must be a mobile site to fit properly) play a video (in this case) automatically enter contact information into a contact list (good for the back of your business cards), send an e-mail, send a text message, or make a phone call.  QR Codes are completely customizable and the possibilities are truly endless (left up to your creative minds).  Most importantly, they are tractable and we’re able to see how many individuals scanned a specific QR Code and when (in our case the hits will show on the virtual tours weekly hit report because the QR Code has been programmed to the virtual tour).  This tractability makes QR Codes a valuable (and affordable) response tracking mechanism for all marketing materials.

How does it work?
1.    Use a smart phone with Internet access. (Note: An Android is the only smart phone on the market that comes with a Flash player and our virtual tours are in Flash.  But that’s OK because I have changed the button at the top of the tour window from ‘Video’ to ‘iPad / SmartPhone’ and this will take those without a Flash player to the YouTube Video or there are apps for Flash out there for them too.)
2.    Download a free bar code reader app (If you have a recently purchased BlackBerry it comes with the app, if not I suggest one of these NeoReader, or Scanlife)
3.    Scan or take a picture of the QR Code with the reader app.
4.    Phone will automatically launch the code’s message or tour.
What can QR Codes do for you?
QR Codes are a basically an image, just like any other graphic, and can be placed on any and all marketing materials such as: business cards, fliers, brochures, promotional items, t-shirts, car wraps, signs, posters, direct mail, print ads, and more! They allow you to:
•    Increase response rates (almost anyone who knows about this technology finds it difficult to resist scanning the bar codes).
•    Measure the effectiveness of your campaign; different QR Codes can be generated for each individual project and tracked.
•    Integrate print, mobile, and Internet marketing with three “touch points” in one print item.
•    Plus, you will be on the cutting edge of a marketing strategy that is still relatively new in the United States.

The Blissfield Connector participating businesses can now showcase their businesses to their mobile cliental via iPhones, iPads, and any other web-based SmartPhone .  To help the participating Blissfield businesses achieve mobile exposure Toursdforce is providing 2D code stickers (sample below)in four convent sizes (Small 4’ X 4’, Medium 5’ X 5’, Large 6’ X 6’ or  X Large 7.5” X 7.5”) to be proudly displayed.   Tousdforce believes that QR codes will be an integral part of a complete solution that they can provide to your clients.  The technology is free on both ends (code generator and code reader) so, it time is right to start introducing the technology starting with our virtual tours to show clients and build value as an internet marketing expert.
 Imagine what you can do with your QR sticker 

For more information on mobile marketing with QR codes read QR codes for Internet Marketing?           

Scribe to my blog post at: http://HalHolubik.blogspot.com 

Use Technology to Your Advantage and Capture Interest Immediately!!!

It is time to connect with all potential buyers, provide them immediate, detailed information, demonstrate your leadership in the industry and capture leads around the clock.  Not only are QR Codes simple to use, and effective.  They are also extremely cost efficient and the return will be immediate.

Hal Holubik
Southern Michigan Real Estate
Lenawee County Virtual Tour Company

Order your virtual tour today!
P: 517.486.4209
E: hal@toursdforce.com
W: toursdforce.com

Lenawee County Virtual Tours are here!! More people choose www.toursdforce.com  virtual tour company than any other virtual tour provider on the market. We encourage you to research the 360 virtual tour industry before making a decision. We are by far the most established virtual tour company in the industry. Our virtual tour customers and their clients get only the best and most experienced advice and help from our staff. Thank you and enjoy our virtual tours.

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