What should you do when your industry is changing rapidly and your clients are not aware of the new services they should be asking for?
It’s a challenge for many service firms because yesterday’s state-of-the-art practices are becoming outdated in a business environment increasingly dominated by the Internet. One company that has faced this challenge is Tours D’ Force an online virtual tour company that specializes in property marketing and digital media between Southern Michigan and the rest of the world.
Small Businesses Need Innovation - Tours D’ Force Is There To Help!
Target Your Market and… Track Results
Become a leader in your field
TDF local clients were accustomed to paying for conventional marketing services, and they found it hard to understand the value of online tools such as search engine optimization, digital marketing solutions, and social networking to truly become visible. “We can’t only provide them with what has worked well in the past,” says Hal Holubik founder and organizer of Tours D’ Force. “For our clients to be successful, we have to give them tools for the future.”
How do you convince your clients to use something new from you?
Hal Holubik founded
TDF online virtual tours in 2008 to provide property marketing services to Southern Michigan companies, mostly real estate agents/brokers and small/medium-sized businesses interested in expanding presents to online prospects. Hal Holubik’s background spans Lenawee County and Southern Michigan, so he is ideally suited for this role. Born and educated in Lenawee County, he is a best virtual tour provider there with powerful property marketing tools targeted to Southern Michigan managers who want to increase traffic to their web sites, create better SEO, and of course encourage small business growth in Lenawee County and around the world.
He started TDF online virtual tours after completing training as a certified RTV (
RealTourVision.com) full service dealer, a Blissfield-based property marketing firm. His company is offering their clients and customers expert advice on internet marketing. Tours D' Force exceeds competitors in photographic quality and clarity, technological enhancements and most importantly unsurpassed personalized services that will make certain your online endeavors are a success.
In the past few years, as mobile marketing has become more important, RTV developed new mobile tour, including customized QR codes. A challenge was getting customers to try them.
“In order to change client perceptions, you have to target both the influencers and your target market,” Hal Holubik.
Influencers are the organizations that have impact on client perceptions, such as local MLS and trade associations, and business/real estate agencies. Since their mandate is to educate their members, they are interested in learning about new ways to do things and passing them on. Hal Holubik helps them fulfill this mandate by offering to put on seminars about online digital marketing. The presentation is very informative and will be well received giving him credibility and subsequent invitations to other speaking events.
In order to influence his target market directly, Hal Holubik started by getting an endorsement from clients in Lenawee County. He deliberately picked a highly reputable, long-standing client, and offered to provide with a free customized all weather proof QR sticker to place on their yard sign, in addition to the property marketing services they were paying for.
“We worked with them for two years, so they trusted us,” Hal Holubik explains. “As well, our offer was risk free. They didn’t have to pay anything and they didn’t have to use the QR sticker if they didn’t want to.”
The client loved it as their hit states came in and gave TDF’s online marketing services a strong endorsement. Because the client was so well-regarded, that endorsement was influential in encouraging other clients to ask for the property marketing services TDF could provide.
To get prestigious speaking engagements and great endorsements, however, you have to be sure the novel services you’re offering actually make a difference. Since practice in the online marketing world is changing so rapidly, achieving high quality requires paying considerable attention to monitoring and assessing these changes. Hal Holubik says that he will continue to spend more of the firm’s resources on this.
Hal Holubik’s new mobile online service offerings and his two-pronged strategy of educating his client base will prove to be successful. The Southern Michigan clients will be happy because the new online digital marketing tools will help to increase their sales revenue.
Not only will this increased and diversified the company’s revenue stream, it will also given Hal Holubik and his team a better understanding of client needs.
Use Technology to Your Advantage and Capture Interest Immediately!!!
It is time to connect with all potential buyers, provide them immediate, detailed information, demonstrate your leadership in the industry and capture leads around the clock. Not only are QR codes simple to use, and effective. They are also extremely cost efficient and the return will be immediate.
Tours D’ Force is a digital marketing and virtual tour provider. Offering property marketing services throughout
Lenawee and Monroe Counties. Tours D’ Force is a privately held virtual tour company specializing promotional media services. Our mission is to give outstanding customer support and powerful marketing tools with many features at an affordable price. For more small business information and to learn about Tours D’ Force portfolio and property marketing services, visit
Hal Holubik
Owner / Operator
Order a Lenawee virtual tour: 517-486-4209
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Virtual Tours are here!! More people choose
www.realtourvision.com virtual tour company than any other virtual tour provider on the market. We encourage you to research the 360 virtual tour industry before making a decision. We are by far the most established virtual tour company in the industry. Our virtual tour customers, and their clients get only the best and most experienced advice and help from our staff. Thank you and enjoy our virtual tours.
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